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    Hikvision is here to help

    Customer satisfaction, staff management, budget control, end- to- end security solutions...  Every business owner is a multitasker, stretched in all directions to make sure everything works the way it needs to. And of course keeping everyone and everything safe and secure is a high priority. This is a challenge. But there is a way forward.


    At Hikvision, we understand your everyday challenges and we know how important it is to get your back and give you peace of mind when you need to focus on more demanding and more productive tasks. 


    With Hikvision's end-to-end security solutions, you'll enjoy:

    Nasza oferta

    • An active line of defense
    • Easier-than-ever access
    • Reliable detectors & alarms
    • Smart app control

    AI-powered video security systems do more than just keep you alert to on-camera activity. These security solutions also act automatically and proactively to thwart security risks around your perimeters and at your entrances – anytime and in any light. 

    ColorVu Technology security solution

    Kolorowy obraz, nawet w ciemności


    Noc to doskonała pora dla złodziei i włamywaczy. Not with Hikvision security systems! Dzięki naszej flagowej technologii ColorVu do obrazowania w warunkach słabego oświetlenia, kamery do monitoringu odwzorowują żywe kolory i szczegół nawet do 0,0005 luksa, co odpowiada światłu gwiazd w bezksiężycową noc. Możesz monitorować sytuację na Twojej posesji i otrzymywać kolorowy obraz nawet w nocy.

    ColorVu Technology Related Blog
    AcuSense Technology security solution

    Rzeczywiste i dokładne alarmy z weryfikacją AI


    Masz dość fałszywych alarmów wywoływanych przez spadające liście i reflektory? Przetestuj naszą technologię AcuSense, która będzie Cię informować tylko o rzeczywistych zagrożeniach. W zależności od ustawień, uruchamia dokładne alarmy wywołane przez włamanie osób i/lub pojazdów. Wbudowana w kamerę lub rejestrator wideo, wykorzystuje pojedynczy chip AI, aby przenieść ochronę obwodową na zupełnie nowy poziom. 

    AcuSense Technology Related Blog

    Alarmy akustyczno-optyczne


    Jest niemożliwe, by Twoi pracownicy ochrony byli w stanie zachowywać czujność przez cały czas. Ale nasze kamery, wyposażone w technologię Live Guard mają taką funkcję. Live-Guard-enabled cameras automatically ward off uninvited guests and trespassers with light and sound before they even enter your site or building. Co więcej, możesz spersonalizować komunikaty dźwiękowe, które będą emitowane przez kamery.

    Managing and authorizing access to sensitive areas at your place of business is no easy task, and most people have come a long way from using keys, pin codes, and fingerprints. But as technology advances, better solutions have become available.

    MinMoe Face Recognition Terminal

    Touch-free access and attendance


    Access control and attendance are equally important for staff management. Hikvision's MinMoe Face Recognition Terminal grants access to authorized persons with recognition speeds under 0.2 seconds and accuracy rates over 99%. You can also use a MinMoe terminal as an efficient, contact-free time-attendance solution.

    MinMoe Face Recognition Terminal
    Hikvision's video intercoms

    Effortless communication with visitors


    Hikvision's video intercoms extend your eyes and ears for effortless communication at all times. You can talk to visitors and unlock doors remotely with the Hik-Connect app. The video intercoms feature friendly touchscreens, intelligent authentication methods, and brilliant video quality for easy, intuitive operation for you and your visitors.

    Video Intercoms

    Rynek zabezpieczeń oferuje wiele różnorodnych systemów alarmowych. They probably work fine independently, but are managed separately and don't become part of a complete system. So now, take a look at Hikvision's AX PRO and AX Hybrid PRO alarm systems, which unify every component for simple-yet-powerful use.

    Hikvision’s AX PRO wireless alarm system

    Various detectors for flexible deployment


    Hikvision alarm systems offer a wide range of highly-reliable, integrated indoor and outdoor detectors for intrusions, fires, and water and gas leaks, with choices for wired and wireless installations and the freedom to link with other Hikvision devices. Enjoy the ease of arming or disarming the whole system with a single tap!

    Related Blog
    Why choose Hikvision’s AX PRO wireless alarm system

    Verify alarms with visual evidence


    Here is a case for linking Hikvision security system and detectors together: when an alarm is triggered by a detector, you'll also get a 7-second video clip from the scene through your email or mobile app, so that you can verify the alarm for a higher level of accuracy and informed response.

    A smart and handy app is as important as the cameras, access control, intercoms, and detectors it manages. It is your personal assistant, keeping you in the know about what's going on around your premises so you get the most out of your security deployment, wherever you are. 

    Hik-Connect app

    Jesteś zawsze na bieżąco


    The ability to check in remotely is imperative, especially when you are out and don't want to miss anything important. Simply install the Hik-Connect app on your smartphone to enjoy full access to real-time video feeds, instant notifications, and more – anytime, from anywhere.

    Hik-Connect App Related Blog
    All-in-one Indoor Stations

    All-in-one management


    Manage your Hikvision devices on a touchscreen indoor station using the Hik-Connect app. What's more, you can conveniently check device, network, and battery status and environmental temperature with everything on a single screen.

    All-in-one Indoor Stations

    Check common applications

    • For workplace security
    • For residential security

    You can create workflows for different event types, time schedules, and triggered actions across Hikvision systems. The better these workflows fit into your business needs and processes, the higher the efficiency you'll achieve with these end- to- end security solutions

    Parking Area

    Parking Area

    Check your parking areas in vivid color even during overnight hours. Receive automated trespassing notifications for persons, vehicles, or both.

    Security Room

    Security Room

    Retrieve and play back video footage labelled "person" or "vehicle" to minimize manual searches.

    Office Area

    Office Area

    Open doors to the office area or clock in and clock out through facial recognition.

    Warehouse Door

    Warehouse Door

    Talk to a delivery man from one of your suppliers and open the warehouse door remotely if needed.



    Watch over your warehouse stock with vigilant cameras and wired and wireless detectors 24/7.

    Hik-Connect App

    Hik-Connect App

    Whether on a fixed indoor station or a mobile device, Hik-Connect keeps you in the know of your business operations and security incidents and provides ways to group different types of security devices for smart applications.

    You can link your CCTV and alarm systems together, for example. In the event of an intrusion or fire alarm, you'll also receive a camera-captured video clip via email or app for double-checking. This further increases the overall performance of your security solution deployment.



    Receive accurate trespassing notifications for persons, vehicles, or both in any light. Ward off trespassers with automated light and sound warnings.

    Living Room

    Living Room

    Get immediate alarms from various wireless detectors for all-encompassing protection, day and night.



    Rest assured with smart detectors that detect fire and water leakage and trigger push notifications for immediate actions.

    Front Door

    Front Door

    Talk to your visitors and open the front door remotely.

    Hik-Connect App

    Hik-Connect App

    Hik-Connect gives you the ability to receive event notifications, control security systems, and do home checkups remotely. It also simplifies the combined use of various security devices for even higher levels of security.

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